Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thumb sucker

Gabe sucks his thumb. I'm not exactly happy about that because I can't throw his thumb away when he is two. I've tried to give him a paci, but he has now learned to spit that out and get his thumb in there. The worst part is, he is so cute. See for yourself.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Fun Weekend

This weekend G got to meet several important people in his Momma's life.

My brother, Ben, and his family came into town from Tennessee. He brought some students to visit Harding during Homecoming weekend. Heather, Ben's wife, also had a cousin in the Homecoming musical. It was so good to see him. My brother is a great source of encouragement for me. He is such a role model and good man. I am blessed that he is a part of my life and family. I just wish he didn't live so far away. Somehow, I failed to get a picture of Gabe and his cousins.

G also got to meet Lindsey. She is a wonderful college friend that I still keep in contact with. We directed Spring Sing and were in charge of pledge week together. Lindsey was also a bridesmaid in my wedding. She always knows how to make me smile. Lindsey is the type of friend that can challenge your spirituality and encourage you to be a better Christian without even trying. I am constantly encouraged to be a better person and take care of others because of her. I love her dearly and wish she didn't live in the DFW area.

I cut my hair last week in preparation for going back to work. It ended up being about 12 inches that I cut off. I intend to mail my hair into Locks of Love. I haven't done that yet because my hair was wet when it got cut, and since my hair is so thick it just dried this morning.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


The many faces of Gabe and random fun in the last month
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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Back at Work

I know it has been forever since I updated. I just wanted to quickly say that I have successfully completed two days of work. It was one of the hardest things I have had to do. Little Man is doing fine with the change. It is his mom that is struggling. I hope to post some pictures and stories tomorrow. We finally are getting the internet at our house again. Sorry this is so short.
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker