Friday, October 06, 2006


I do not like spiders. I never have. They're freaky, eight legged creatures. I don't even like grand-daddy long legs. Well, my dispise for spiders has grown recently. A week ago a red sore developed on my toe. I had no idea what was from. By Sunday, my whole foot was swollen and I couldn't walk. I went to the ER (not my favorite place) because of the pain and I had red streaks leaving the wound. They concluded that I had been bitten by a brown recluse. When, I do not know. My foot looks awful. I have not been to work all week. The swelling is massive, and now I have a very nasty wound. I've been back to the doctor on Tuesday, and I'm going back this afternoon. On Monday, I developed a blister in my eye. I do not know if this is related to the spider. I'm so glad that I didn't see the spider when it bit me. If I had, the spider would be going through just as much pain and suffering that I have been through because of his choice to bite me.

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