Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I've always heard about craving food while pregnant. I haven't been craving things, but I can say this. EVERYTHING TASTES SO GOOD!!! I could eat all day even when I'm not hungry (which isn't often). I love sweet things especially anything with fruit. I never knew that the sense of taste was so enhanced during pregnancy.

Random fact: Amniotic fluid tastes like the food that you eat. The baby's tastebuds are almost fully developed by the 21st week in utero. Pregnant women really like sweet things because their breastmilk is sweet and the flavor of the amniotic prepares the baby for sweet things. It has been seen on some women's ultrasounds that the baby spat out the amniotic fluid when they ate something really sour before the ultrasound. I might try that on my next ultrasound.


Amber said...

That is so interesting!!

The Timberframer's Wife said...

Is this Kyla from Deer Run? If so, so glad to have stumbled on your blog and congratulations on your soon-to-be-here son! If this is a different Kyla, I'm real embarrassed, but still congratulations on your son! Robyn

If this is the right Kyla, you can get my email from Terri or Sarah.

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker